Publications: Jennifer Nakamura

47. Seager, R., Y. Wu, A. Cherchi, I.R. Simpson, T.J. Osborn, Y. Kushnir, J. Lukovic, H. Liu, and J. Nakamura, 2024: Recent and near-term future changes in impacts-relevant seasonal hydroclimate in the world's Mediterranean climate regions International Journal of Climatology, 10.1002/joc.8551: 1-24. PDF URL
46. Nakamura, J., R. Seager, H. Liu, F. Cottier, M.J. Puma, D.J. Wrathall, B. Katz, A. de Sherbinin, and S.B. Adamo, 2024: Recent trends in agriculturally relevant climate in Central America International Journal of Climatology, 44: 2701-2724. URL
45. Nakamura, J., U. Lall, Y. Kushnir, P.A. Harr, 2023: A saturated stochastic simulator: synthetic US Gulf coast tropical cyclone precipitation fields Natural Hazards, 120(2): 1295-1318. URL
44. Seager, R, M. Ting, P. Alexander, H. Liu, J. Nakamura, C. Li and M. Newman, 2023: Ocean-forcing of cool season precipitation drives ongoing and future decadal drought in southwestern North America. npj Clim. Atm. Sci., 6(1): 141. PDF URL
43. Seager, R., Ting, M., Alexander, P., Nakamura, J., Liu, H., Li. C. and I.R. Simpson, 2022: Mechanisms of a meteorological drought onset: Summer 2020 to spring 2021 in southwestern North America. J. Climate, 35(22): 3767-3785. URL
42. Reed, C., Anderson, W., Kruczkiewicz, A., Nakamura, J., Seager, R. and S.S. Shukla, 2022: The impact of flooding on food security across Africa. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 119(43): 4249-4264. URL
41. Seager, R., N. Henderson, M.A. Cane, H. Zhang and J. Nakamura, 2021: Atmosphere–Ocean Dynamics of Persistent Cold States of the Tropical Pacific Ocean. J. Climate, 34: 5195-5214. PDF
40. Nakamura, J., Y. Kushnir U. Lall, P.A. Harr, and K. McCreery, 2021: Early Season Hurricane Risk Assessment: Climate-Conditioned HITS Simulation of North Atlantic Tropical Storm Tracks. J. Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60: 559-575. PDF URL
39. Seager, R., J. Nakamura and M. Ting, 2020: Prediction of seasonal meteorological drought onset and termination over the southern Great Plains in the North American Multimodel Ensemble. J. Hydromet., 21: 2237 - 2255. PDF URL
38. Seager, R. , H. Liu, Y. Kushnir, T.J. Osborn, I.R. Simpson, C.R. Kelley and J. Nakamura, 2020: Mechanisms of Winter Precipitation Variability in the European–Mediterranean Region Associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation J. Climate, 33: . PDF URL
37. Seager, R. , T.J. Osborn, Y. Kushnir, I.R. Simpson, H. Liu and J. Nakamura, 2019: Climate variability and change in Mediterranean-type climate regions. J. Climate, 32(10): 2887-2915. PDF URL
36. Seager, R., J. Nakamura and M. Ting, 2019: Mechanisms of seasonal soil moisture drought onset and termination in the southern Great Plains. J. Hydrology, 20: 751 - 771. PDF URL
35. Seager, R., J. Feldman, N. Lis, M. Ting, A.P. Williams, J. Nakamura, H. Liu and N. Henderson, 2018: Wither the 100th meridian? The once and future physical and human geography of America’s arid-humid divide. Part II: The meridian moves east. Earth Interactions, 22(5): 1-24. PDF URL
34. Seager, R., N. Lis, J. Feldman, M. Ting, A.P. Williams, J. Nakamura, H. Liu and N. Henderson, 2018: Wither the 100th meridian? The once and future physical and human geography of America’s arid-humid divide. Part I: The story so far. Earth Interactions, 22(5): 1-22. PDF URL
33. Seager, R. , N. Henderson, M.A. Cane, H. Liu and J. Nakamura, 2017: Is There a Role for Human-Induced Climate Change in the Precipitation Decline that Drove the California Drought? J. Climate, 30: 10237-10258. PDF URL
32. Nakamura, J. , S.J. Camargo, A.H. Sobel, N. Henderson, K.A. Emanuel, A. Kumar, T.E. LaRow, H. Murakami, M.J. Roberts, E. Scoccimarro, P. Luigi Vidale, H. Wang, M.F. Wehner and M. Zhao, 2017: Western North Pacific tropical cyclone model tracks in present and future climates. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 18(122): 4249-4264. PDF URL
31. Robertson, A.W., Y. Kushnir, U. Lall and J. Nakamura, 2015: Extreme events: observations, modeling, and economics: Weather and climatic drivers of extreme flooding events over the midwest of the United States Geophysical Monograph Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 113-124. URL
30. Seager, R., M. Hoerling, S. Schubert, H. L. Wang, B. Lyon, A. Kumar, J. Nakamura and N. Henderson, 2015: Causes of the 2011-14 California Drought. J. Climate, 28(18): 6997-7024. PDF URL
29. Nakamura, J., U. Lall, Y. Kushnir and B. Rajagopalan, 2015: HITS: Hurricane Intensity and Track Simulator with North Atlantic Ocean Applications for Risk Assessment. J. Appl. Meteor. Cliamtol., 54: 1620-1636. PDF URL
28. Seager, R., A. Hooks, A.P. Williams, B.I. Cook, J. Nakamura and N. Henderson, 2015: Climatology, Variability, and Trends in U.S. Vapor Pressure Deficit, an Important Fire-Related Meteorological Quantity. J. Applied Meteorlogy and Climatology, 54: 1121-1141. PDF URL Supplimental
27. Ballard, T., R. Seager, J.E. Smerdon, B.I. Cook, A.J. Ray, B. Rajagopalan, Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura and N. Henderson, 2014: Hydroclimate Variability and Change in the Prairie Pothole Region, the “Duck Factory” of North America. Earth Interactions, 18(14): 1-28. PDF URL
26. Seager, R., L. Goddard, J. Nakamura, N. Henderson and D. Lee, 2014: Dynamical causes of the 2010/11 Texas-northern Mexico drought. J. Hydrometeorology, 15(1): 39-68. PDF URL
25. Nakamura, J., 2014: Hydroclimatology of Extreme Precipitation and Floods Originating from the North Atlantic Ocean Columbia University, doi: 10.7916/D86H4FM1 PDF URL
24. Ballard, T., R. Seager, J.E. Smerdon, B.I. Cook, A.J. Ray, B. Rajagopalan, Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura and N. Henderson, 2014: Hydroclimate Variability and Change in the Prairie Pothole Region, the “Duck Factory” of North America. Earth Interactions, 18(14): 1-28. PDF URL
23. Seager, R., M. Ting, C. Li, N. Naik(Henderson), B. Cook, J. Nakamura and H. Liu, 2013: Projections of declining surface-water availability for southwestern United States. Nature Climatic Change: doi:10.1038/nclimate1787. PDF URL
22. Nakamura, J., U. Lall, Y. Kushnir, A.W. Robertson and R. Seager, 2013: Dynamical Structure of Extreme Floods in the U.S. Midwest and the United Kingdom. J. Hydrometeor., 14(2): 485-504. PDF URL
21. Ziv, B., Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura, N. Naik(Henderson) and T. Harpaz, 2013: Coupled climate model simulations of Mediterranean winter cyclones and large-scale flow patterns. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13(3): 779-793. URL
20. Seager, R., N. Pederson, Y. Kushnir and J. Nakamura, 2012: The 1960s Drought and the Subsequent Shift to a Wetter Climate in the Catskill Mountains Region of the New York City Watershed. J. Climate, 25(19): 6721-6742. PDF URL
19. Robertson, A.W., Y. Kushnir, U. Lall and J. Nakamura, 2011: Science and Technology Infusion Climate Bulletin: 150-152. PDF URL
18. Kushnir, Y., R. Seager, M. Ting, N. Naik(Henderson) and J. Nakamura, 2010: Mechanisms of Tropical Atlantic SST Influence on North American Precipitation Variability. J. Climate, 23(21): 5610-5628. PDF URL
17. Seager, R. , N. Naik(Henderson), W. Baethgen, A. Robertson, Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura and S. Jurburg, 2010: Tropical oceanic causes of interannual to multidecadal precipitation variability across southeast South America over the past century. J. Climate, 23(20): 5517–5539. PDF URL
16. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, J. Nakamura, M. Ting and N. Naik(Henderson), 2010: Northern hemisphere winter snow anomalies: ENSO, NAO and the winter of 2009/10. Geo. Res. Letters, 37(L14703): doi:10.1029/2010GL043830. PDF URL
15. Nakamura, J., U. Lall, Y. Kushnir and S. J. Camargo, 2009: Classifying North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks by Mass Moments. J. Climate, 22(20): 5481-5494. PDF URL
14. Seager, R., A. Tzanova and J. Nakamura, 2009: Drought in the Southeastern United States: Causes, Variability over the Last Millennium, and the Potential for Future Hydroclimate Change. J. Climate, 22(19): 5021-5045. PDF URL
13. Seager, R., M. Ting, M. Davis, M. Cane, N. Naik(Henderson), J. Nakamura, C. Li, E. Cook and D. W. Stahle, 2009: Mexican drought: an observational modeling and tree ring study of variability and climate change. Atmosfera, 22(1): 1-31. PDF URL
12. Seager, R., R. Burgman, Y. Kushnir, A. Clement, E. Cook, N. Naik(Henderson) and J. Miller(Nakamura), 2008: Tropical Pacific Forcing of North American Medieval Megadroughts: Testing the Concept with an Atmosphere Model Forced by Coral-Reconstructed SSTs J. Climate, 21(23): 6175-6190. PDF URL
11. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, M. Ting, M. Cane, N. Naik(Henderson) and J. Miller(Nakamura), 2008: Would advance knowledge of 1930s SSTs have allowed prediction of the dust bowl drought? J. Climate, 21(13): 3261-3281. PDF URL
10. Seager, R., M. F. Ting, I. Held, Y. Kushnir, J. Lu, G. Vecchi, H. P. Huang, N. Harnik, A. Leetmaa, N. C. Lau, C. H. Li, J. Velez(Nakamura) and N. Naik(Henderson), 2007: Model projections of an imminent transition to a more arid climate in southwestern North America. Science, 316(5828): 1181-1184. PDF URL
9. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, C. Herweijer, N. Naik(Henderson) and J. Velez(Nakamura), 2005: Modeling of tropical forcing of persistent droughts and pluvials over western North America: 1856-2000. J. Climate, 18(19): 4065-4088. PDF URL
8. Seager, R., A. R. Karspeck, M. A. Cane, Y. Kushnir, A. Giannini, A. Kaplan, B. Kerman and J. Velez(Nakamura), 2004: Predicting Pacific decadal variability. In: C. Wang, S.P. Xie and J.A. Carton (Editors), Earth Climate: The ocean-atmosphere interaction, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC,: pp. 105-120. PDF URL
7. Seager, R., N. Harnik, Y. Kushnir, W. Robinson and J. Miller(Nakamura), 2003: Mechanisms of hemispherically symmetric climate variability. J. Climate, 16(18): 2960-2978. PDF URL
6. Seager, R., R. Murtugudde, N. H. Naik(Henderson), A. Clement, N. Gordon and J. Miller(Nakamura), 2003: Air-sea interaction and the seasonal cycle of the subtropical anticyclones. J. Climate, 16(12): 1948-1966. PDF URL
5. Kushnir, Y., R. Seager, J. Miller(Nakamura) and J. C. H. Chiang, 2002: A simple coupled model of tropical Atlantic decadal climate variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(23): 2133. PDF URL
4. Miller, J.(Nakamura), Kovacs, T.A. and P. R. Bannon, 2001: Journal of the atmospheric sciences, 58(22): 3508-3524. URL
3. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, N. H. Naik(Henderson), M. A. Cane and J. Miller(Nakamura), 2001: Wind-driven shifts in the latitude of the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension and generation of SST anomalies on decadal timescales. J. Climate, 14(22): 4249-4264. PDF URL
2. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, P. Chang, N. H. Naik(Henderson), J. Miller(Nakamura) and W. Hazeleger, 2001: Looking for the role of the ocean in tropical Atlantic decadal climate variability. J. Climate, 14(5): 638-655. PDF
1. Seager, R., Y. Kushnir, M. Visbeck, N. H. Naik(Henderson), J. Miller(Nakamura), G. Krahmann and H. Cullen, 2000: Causes of Atlantic Ocean climate variability between 1958 and 1998. Journal of Climate, 13(16): 4655-4675 PDF

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